Avianation began in 2013, using my 40 years experience as a print-based Graphic Designer and love of nature photography to create photo guides to help people identify the birds of their local area. The guides have proved popular (over 10,000 printed to date and several updates) with value added as a take-home component to walks and talks for local councils and bushcare groups and school workshops.

The 3 aims of Avianation are to help people:

  1. Observe and identify local birds and monitor their behaviour.
  2. Count how many individuals and species you see over time.
  3. Learn their names, calls and relationship to the environment.

Choosing an interpretive approach over one based on learning helps people engage with nature, sharing my knowledge and passion in a way that is both informative and entertaining.

Many Sydneysiders can’t name 10 common birds and less than 7% of Cumberland Plain (Western Sydneys original bushland) remains, with more set to be lost to development. Increased awareness of the wildlife using our threatened ‘green space’ could reverse this trend. If you don’t know it’s there, you don’t miss it when it’s gone.

An increased population may be the problem, but an ‘Avianated’ population may provide the solution. Engaging students from K1 to high school, young families to elderly retirees…now, more than ever, is the time to make Australia an Avian Nation!

Helping Birds and Biodiversity